[vc_row css_animation=”” row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern”][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”5518″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_shadow” qode_css_animation=”” title=”Hermanus Accommodation”][vc_raw_html]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[/vc_raw_html][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_row_inner row_type=”row” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” css_animation=””][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]
Villa Venusta (4-Star)
Once you enter the Villa Venusta, you feel like at home. The successful mix of old and new creates a warm ambience. The public areas of the house make every golfer’s heart beat faster. A unique collection of partly exclusive and limited golf decorations, gathered for many years, invites to linger. And every day you will discover something new.
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)81 767 2233
E-mail: contact@villa-venusta.co.za
Website: www.villa-venusta.co.za
Standard – R1500
Comfort – R1700
Superior – R1900
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Forty Trees Gueshouse (4-Star)
We offer luxury bed and breakfast accommodation in Hermanus; where relaxation and comfort are the focus of your stay. The surrounding picturesque Overberg area has so much to offer. There are blue-flag beaches to stroll along, mountains to paraglide from, whales to watch, wines to taste, Fynbos trails to walk, artists’ studios and galleries to visit, or maybe you just want to read your book at our pool and dine on freshly baked cake and tea. Whatever you choose, we aim to send you off a happy traveller.
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)83 451 8989
E-mail: info@fortytrees.co.za
Website: www.fortytrees.co.za
Rates: Ranges from R1530 – R2160
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Baleia Guest Lodge (4-Star)
The lodge consists of five bedrooms, a dining area, a lounge and a swimming pool. The quiet private swimming pool area is an ideal sanctuary in which you can rest and rejuvinate your body and soul. We offer Unforgettable, Uncomplicated Hospitality! You are within walking distance from the business centre, pubs, restaurants, knowing your car is safely parked off the street. Less than 10 minutes walk from the hub of Hermanus and the Old Harbour where you can watch the whales frolicking at close range.
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 2513
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)82 367 1338
E-mail: baleia@hermanus.co.za
Website: www.baleia.co.za
Rates: From R500/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R550/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Aloe House Guest Lodge (4-Star)
Aloe House has 4 luxury suites overlooking our solar heated rim-flow pool. Each suite is a spacious 45 square meters, has double volume ceilings and skylights allowing natural light in. Each suite has its own private lounge with sleeper couch and sliding doors separating it from the bedroom area, with full en-suite bathroom.
Telephone: +27(0)28 313 1191
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)82 909 6379
E-mail: aloehouse@hermanus.co.za
Website: www.aloe-guest-house.co.za
Rates: From R640/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R770/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
The Potting Shed Guest House (3-Star)
Annamarie and David welcome you to The Potting Shed Accommodation. Enjoy personal service at this owner run establishment in the quaint town of Hermanus only one hour away from Cape Town International airport. Indulge yourself with bed & breakfast at our guest house, where hand-painted interiors provide an artistic and unique, personal touch. Or awake to the sound of waves crashing at our sea-facing, self-catering apartments (3kms from the Guest House).
Telephone: +27(0)28 312-1712
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)72 820 9828
Email: potshed@hermanus.co.za
Website: www.thepottingshedguesthouse.co.za
Rates: From R425/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R715/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Hermanus Backpackers
Accommodation is serviced daily, beautifully decorated and well kept. We have a variety of room types to suit every travelers needs, whether you’re a backpacker traveling South Africa or a budget traveler looking for quality accommodation at affordable rates.
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 4293
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)82 890 1485
Email: moogbag@mweb.co.za
Website: www.hermanusbackpackers.co.za
Rates: From R150/PERSON per night sharing (Dormitory room)
Rates: From R400/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Whalers Bed & Breakfast
Whalers Bed and Breakfast is conveniently located within 5 minutes walking distance to Hermanus town centre, and our attractions such as exciting mountain trails, mystic cliff paths and our famous spectacular whale lookout point. We can arrange alternative activities such as shark cage diving and boat based whale watching excursions for our guests to experience and enjoy. Stay with us and enjoy a relaxing and reviving holiday, and experience the soul enriching African ocean and surroundings in style.
Telephone: +27(0)28 313 2283
Cell/Mobile: +27 (0)72 217 5219
Email: whalers@telkomsa.net
Website: www.whalers.co.za
Rates: From R250/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R450/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Hermanus Boutique Guest House
The Hermanus Boutique Guest House provides bed and breakfast accommodation in Hermanus where you can experience comfort, tranquility and luxury and watch the whales from your impressive suite! We provides superior accommodation with excellent service & a whale of a breakfast. Situated right across the sea & close to town. All the rooms are themed with en on-suite bathrooms, fridges and TVs. There are two lovely lounge areas for you to relax in.
Telephone: +27(0)28 313 1433
Email: reservations@hermanusguesthouse.co.za
Website: www.hermanusguesthouse.co.za
Rates: From R830/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R995/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Misty Waves Boutique Hotel (4-Star)
Accommodation at our hotel offers you absolute luxury, comfort and tranquillity; and five star service. Luxury sea facing suites and unique conference facilities in the heart of Hermanus, just meters away from the famous cliff paths, renowned for the best land-based whale watching in the world. Our friendly staff arrange for our guests excursions to: whale watching, shark cage diving, Garden Route, safaris, wild life adventures, Addo Elephant Park, trips in the Western Cape, Western Cape Spa trips to Arabella Golf and golf in Hermanus, fishing, bird watching and wine routes.
Telephone: +27(0)28 313 8460
Cell/Mobile: +27 (0)82 555 9984
Email: mistywaves@mweb.co.za
Website: www.hermanusmistybeach.co.za
Rates: From R500/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R850/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Zoete Inval Traveller’s Lodge (4-Star)
Zoete Inval Traveller’s Lodge has been described as having the comfort of B&B accommodation with the convenience of backpacker-style self-catering accommodation. This means that you can enjoy the comfort of “home from home” hospitality at budget prices.
Accommodation at Zoete Inval Traveller’s Lodge is perfect if you’re backpacking in South Africa, looking for budget accommodation for your family holiday or simply looking for comfortable but cheap accommodation to fit in with your travel budget.
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 1242
Email: zoetein@hermanus.co.za
Website: www.zoeteinval.co.za
Rates: From R350-R750/PERSON per night sharing[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Whale Coast luxury apartments & conference centre (4-Star)
The Whale Coast Hotel offers elegant 4 star accommodation to both leisure and corporate visitors in Hermanus, Western Cape. Our modern apartments are fully equipped for a stay in unrivalled luxury. Our central location allows for indulgence in the beautiful coastal town as well as exploring the scenic beauty and many adventures it has to offer. Local Restaurants, boutiques, coffee shops, bistros and exciting outdoor activities are in close proximity just as are local landmarks such as the Old Harbour and the Cliff Path which are only a few minutes walk away. The Whale Coast Hotel is conveniently situated attached to a shopping mall, the “Hermanus Station Building” offering the incomparable comfort to have everyday commodities just around the corner.
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 3096
Cell/Mobile: +27 (0)74 602 2421
Email: reservations@whalecoasthotel.co.za
Website: www.whalecoasthotel.co.za
Rates: From R1 699 One-bedroom apartment (sleeps two persons)
Rates: From R2 099 Two- bedroom apartment (sleeps four persons)[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Avalon on Sea (4-Star)
Avalon on Sea is a comfortable, family-style guest house, known for it’s warm, personal hospitality, spectacular sea views over Walker Bay and convenient location.
We are an owner-run establishment offering comfortable accommodation comprising three spacious double rooms with full sea views, one non-seafacing twin bedded room and a non-seafacing double room that can be used as family unit (sleeps up to 4 persons with interleading door).
Telephone: +27(0)28 313 0959
Cell/Mobile: +27 (0)83 378 1935
Email: info@avalononsea.co.za
Website: www.avalononsea.co.za
Rates: From R350/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R525/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Livesey Lodge Guest House
All ensuite rooms open to the large garden and pool, where we serve breakfast. All rooms have king beds or 3/4 twin beds. Patio’s with table and relaxing chairs, to enjoy the outdoors. Beautiful maintained large garden and pool area.
Telephone: +27(0)28 313 0026
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)8 237 91802
Email: livesey@yebo.co.za
Website: www.liveseylodge.co.za
Rates: From R500/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R600/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Ocean Eleven Guest House (5-Star)
Ocean Eleven is an olde worlde, Cape Cod, colonial style guesthouse situated on the famous cliffs of Hermanus. The picturesque mountains beyond gently embrace the phenomenal, all-encompassing vista of the bay. The main house of Ocean Eleven was built with all the high ceilings, tall windows and teak floors that made colonial architecture so utterly elegant. All these features and thus the grace and style have been retained to this day.
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 1332
E-mail: info@oceaneleven.co.za
Website: www.oceaneleven.co.za
Rates: From R1230/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R1420/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Harbour House Hotel & Apartments
Harbour House Hotel enjoys the most prominent of positions in the heart of the Old Harbour area, flanked by the seaside and the bustling center of this holiday town. The magnificent Lookout Terrace invites guests to revel in the soothing surrounds of the ocean ahead and enjoy a lunch from the restaurant inspired by abundant local produce and fresh ingredients, alternatively savour a sundowner from the Wine Bar in the Pavilion.
Rooms are luxuriously appointed with sophisticated modern décor, all within easy walking distance of the town’s top attractions.
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 1799
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)76 813 5139
Email: book@harbourhousehotel.co.za
Website: www.harbourhousehotel.co.za
Rates: From R1050/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R2100/UNIT per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Penguino Guest House (4-Star)
This family run guesthouse blossomed into the 4-star luxury accommodation that Stefan and Nikki always dreamed it would be. Situated only a stone’s throw from the famous cliff paths and a mere 7-minute’s walk from the town centre, Penguino could not be more ideally positioned to explore the restaurants, shops and other diversities Hermanus has on offer. Including our famous Fynbos and not to mention Hermanus’ friendly giants, the Southern Right Whales!
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 1426
Cell/Mobile: +27 (0)82 611 0043
E-mail: info@penguino.co.za
Website: www.penguino.co.za
Rates: From R350/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R800/UNIT per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Auberge Provence Guest House (5-Star)
Auberge Provence is a luxury, intimate retreat constructed in the style of a traditional French Provencal farmhouse. Two majestic wooden doors open to invite you in to an incomparable vista over the cliffs, fynbos and the bay. Discover this luxury 5 star guest house, WINNER OF THE SOUTH AFRICAN TOURISM 2009 WELCOME AWARD, for the best guest house, in recognition of exceptional service including Wi-Fi connectivity. All five suites are individually themed and furnished in soft and relaxing colours.
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 1413
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)83 573 2464
E-mail: info@aubergeprovence.co.za
Website: www.aubergeprovence.co.za
Rates: From R1345/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R2690/per UNIT per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
The Brown Jug Guest House
Experience the warm hospitality Hermanus has to offer first hand at The Brown Jug Guest House. The Brown Jug offers quality superior accommodation and is centrally located, within easy walking distance from the whale watching cliff tops, restaurants, village and shopping centre. Brown Jug’s three accommodation units are designed to cater for all your needs. With elegant decor, king size bedding and facilities like free WiFi, we provide quality accommodation at affordable rates.
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 2220
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)82 897 1650
Email: brownjug@hermanus.co.za
Website: www.brownjug.co.za
Rates: From R375/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R750/UNIT per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Harbour Square Hotel
Harbour Square Hotel, located in the heart of the historic town of Hermanus, boasts 18 well appointed rooms and suites decorated in a modern style, featuring picturesque views of the mountain cliffs or the majestic ocean below. The spacious suites are fitted with a fully equipped, open-plan living area leading out onto a patio from which to enjoy the sights of the bustling town below. The suites are equipped with kitchenettes, as well as a lounge area that guests can enjoy, which extends onto a patio.
Telephone: +27(0)28 313 7700
Email: gm@quartershermanus.co.za
Website: www.harboursquarehotel.com
Rates: From R1050/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R 2100/UNIT per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
The Marine, Hermanus (5-Star)
A Hotel atop the cliffs in Hermanus, with 42 individually decorated bedrooms and suites, each with its own private facilities.The Marine has spectacular views across Walker Bay or the beautiful internal courtyard, finely manicured gardens and the Overberg Mountains. They offer two award winning restaurants, Seafood at The Marine and The Pavilion Restaurant. Seafood at The Marine open daily for lunch & dinner. Further services include an internet lounge, travel desk, boutique, cocktail bar, conference room, beauty spa & solar heated swimming pool.
Telephone: +27(0)28 313 1000
Email: hermanus@relaischateaux.com
Website: www.collectionmcgrath.com
Rates: From R 1945/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R3890/UNIT per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Hermanus Dorpshuys (4-Star)
The elegant Hermanus Dorpshuys combines attentive service, modern comforts yet old world charm, all within a luxurious setting. A stroll away from midtown, cliff paths, fashionable boutiques, restaurants and 27 hole golf course. Hermanus Dorpshuys offers a full english breakfast in our dining room or outdoors on the veranda overlooking the pool and picturesque Klein River mountain series. The guest house features personalized attention, first-class amenities and Wireless Internet Access.
Telephone: +27(0)28 313 0441
Email: info@hermanusdorpshuys.co.za
Website: www.hermanusdorpshuys.co.za
Rates: From R500/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R650/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Harbour Vue (4-Star)
Overlooking the bay and the new harbour in Hermanus, Harbour Vue Guest House offers superb 4 star luxury accommodation for business or leisure. The suites are tastefully and individually decorated with high quality finishes, each with en-suite bathrooms. Views are simply spectacular. Relax on the balcony while sipping a sundowner … life doesn’t get better than this. From the Neptune, Fynbos and Southern Rights you can lie in bed and watch the Southern Right Whales at play in the bay!
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 4860
Cell/Mobile: +27 (0)82 413 1554
Email: info@harbourvue.co.za
Website: www.harbourvue.co.za
Rates: From R650/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R700/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Pat’s Place Guest House
In addition to providing comfortable, luxurious accommodation, Pat’s Place is conveniently situated in the leafy suburb of Eastcliff in Hermanus. The cliff paths that have made Hermanus famous for offering the best land-based whale watching in the world are just a stones throw away. Most magnificent is the lush, tranquil garden with a fish pond, oak trees, busy bird life, great mountain views and a large swimming pool. The barbeque in the garden is the ideal setting for a memorable fish braai.
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 2937
Cell/Mobile: +27 (0)82 270 5213
Email: patsplace@hermanus.co.za
Website: www.patsplace.co.za
Rates: From R430/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R550/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Selkirk House (5-Star)
Nestling against the Hermanus Mountain with panoramic views over Walker Bay, this bright comtemporaty guesthouse is situated an hour and twenty minutes from Cape Town in the heart of the Overberg. Elegantly furnished multi-levelled indoor spaces are complemented by indigenous water-featured landscaped gardens. Hermanus, with its pristine beaches and majestic mountains, offers some of the best land-based whale viewing in the world and caters for a vaiety of outdoor activities – from fynbos hikes to shark-cage diving.
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 4892
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)76 587 4753
E-mail: info@selkirkhouse.co.za
Website: www.selkirkhouse.co.za
Rates: From R1115/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R1450/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Bamboo Guest House (4-Star)
All rooms are furnished with items made from bamboo wood imported from China by the owners. All decor is cool white, with luxury finishes. The owners have created a peaceful retreat where you can unwind and relax. Breakfasts include ‘Full English‘ and a continental type buffet. There is a poolside bar where you can enjoy ‘sun-downers’.
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 4836
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)73 974 7053
E-mail: info@thebambooguesthouse.co.za
Website: www.thebambooguesthouse.co.za
Rates: From R625/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R900 per PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Four Pines Lodge (3-Star)
Luxury accommodation with typical South African Hospitality hosted by Stoffel and Tina. Four Pines Lodge offers: off street parking, laundry service, Wi-Fi and a swimming pool.
Telephone: +27(0)28 312 2027
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)82 453 2260
E-mail: fourpines@hermanus.co.za
Website: www.fourpineslodge.co.za
Rates: From R500/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R700/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Schulphoek Seafront Guest House & Restaurant (5-Star)
A spectacular seafront setting, warm welcome, luxurious rooms and delicious dining set the scene for a memorable stay. Schulphoek overlooks the bay from which it receives its name; an idyllic cove where whales often visit. A well-known eco-conscious refuge, this protected cove and its shoreline is also home to many birds, small mammals and marine life which can be viewed on the seashore paths nearby. Schulphoek embodies contemporary luxury, simplified elegance and the lingering scent from our rows of French lavender. Our guests often return to feel refreshed, indulged and warm with the satisfaction of delicious food, good wine and the pleasant company of friends. Our evening restaurant serves a 3 course menu du jour for R375.00 per person.
Telephone: +27(0)28 316 2626
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)83 346 0695
E-mail: stay@schulphoek.co.za
Website: www.schulphoek.co.za
Rates: From R1 250.00/PERSON per night
Rates: From R5 000.00/UNIT per night (3 bedrooms, sleeps 6)[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Lavender Manor Guest Lodge (4-Star)
Lavender Manor is the ultimate owner managed, luxury guest house and offers spectacular sea views and warm, relaxed hospitality. Overlooking popular Blue Flag Grotto Beach and the whale sanctuary of Walker Bay, you are within two minutes’ walk of the various magnificent beaches in the area as well as the famous scenic cliff path. Relax in the cosy pool area, enjoy a refreshing drink at the fully licenced sea view pub, and watch the magical whales and the incredible sunsets over the Atlantic Ocean
Telephone: +27(0)28 314 0361
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)82 375 4070
E-mail: lavendermanor@hermanus.co.za
Website: www.lavendermanor.co.za
Rates: From R850/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R1275/PERSON per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Mosselberg on Grotto Beach (5-Star)
Nestled on the sands of the Blue Flag Beach (Grotto Beach) in Hermanus is Mosselberg On Grotto Beach Boutique Villa, a five-star country house that personifies African hospitality and world-class service, accommodation and facilities. Savour a delectable dining experience in our dining area. Watch the Southern Right whales from the comfort of your suite between July up to the end of November. Enjoy a mountain bike trail, a picturesque walk along the cliff path or tee off at a perfectly manicured golf course. Mosselberg on Grotto Beach is a luxurious 5 star Guest House with spectacular views of the Mosselberg Mountains and the Blue Flag Grotto Beach in Hermanus.
Telephone: +27(0)28 314 0055
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)72 259 9245
Website: www.mosselberg.co.za
Rates: From R1723/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R3445/UNIT per night[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]
Kennedys Beach Villa (4-Star)
When it comes to privacy, luxury, romance, with a beach and lagoon view – there are few places on earth as special as Kennedys. Exclusively caters for two couples at a time. You either have your “own little private” beach where you can also bath under the African skies in utmost privacy. Alternatively you can enjoy the spacious deck with jacuzzi, overlooking the beach while sipping the best wine of the region, watching the whales frolicking in the bay!
Telephone: +27(0)28 316 2169
Cell/Mobile: +27(0)82 823 3625
E-mail: info@kennedysathermanus.com
Website: www.kennedysathermanus.com
Rates: From R890/PERSON per night sharing
Rates: From R1780/UNIT per night[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]