Prof John Bosco Habarulema

Unit: SRA
Affiliation: SANSA
Position: Researcher
Qualifications: PhD

Dr John Bosco Habarulema completed his MSc (2008) and PhD (2011) in Space Physics (from Rhodes University, South Africa) focussing on analytical and empirical modelling of total electron content (on a regional scale) with the use of satellite and ground-based data. This still remains one of his research interests in addition to investigations leading to understanding physical mechanisms driving ionospheric dynamics especially during disturbed conditions, low latitude electrodynamics and their potential to launch atmospheric gravity waves (TIDs) which propagate to mid-latitude regions from the equatorial regions. Dr Habarulema also does empirical modelling of ionospheric electron density and low latitude ionospheric vertical drifts using a combination of space and ground-based observations. He is the currently the scientific Principal Investigator of the South African Ionosonde Network which comprises of four ionosonde stations.

John Bosco joined SANSA as a postdoctoral research fellow in 2011. Since 2013, he has been a researcher within the Science Research and Applications unit at SANSA, Hermanus.

In 2014, Dr Habarulema was the first African recipient of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) International Sunanda and Santimay Basu Early-Career Award in Sun-Earth systems science for his contributions to ionospheric physics and space weather. In 2016 he was awarded the prestigious AGU Africa Award for Research Excellence in Space Science.

He is a B2 rated Scientist by the South African National Research Foundation. He is a Research Associate in the Department of Physics and Electronics, Rhodes University, Makhanda and an Extraordinary Professor in the Center for Space Science Research, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa. He has authored/co-authored over 90 peer reviewed papers, is currently the Associate Editor of Radio Science and Space Weather, both journals of American Geophysical Union.

Since 2011, he has supervised 9 PhD and 5 MSc students to completion.
He works with postgraduate students at all levels as well as postdocs.

Research Interests

  • Ionospheric modelling (mainly empirical for peak ionospheric parameters, total electron content and 3-D electron density reconstruction)
  • Low latitude electrodynamics (including modelling of vertical drifts) and relationship with gravity waves (especially large scale TIDs)
  • Long-term trends in ionospheric storm effects and related physical mechanisms


Name Authors Journal DOI Date Link
Equatorward medium to large-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances of high latitude origin during quiet conditions Thaganyana G. P., Habarulema J. B., Ngwira C. M and Azeem I. Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics 2024-05-16 Source
The effect of energy deposition hemispherical asymmetry on characteristics of LSTIDs during 17 March 2015 geomagnetic storm. Terefe D. A., Nigussie M., and Habarulema J. B. Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics https://doi. org/10.1029/2023JA031907 2024-05-16
A Statistical Study of Poleward Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Over the African and American Sectors During Geomagnetic Storms Habarulema J. B., G. P. Thaganyana, Z. T. Katamzi-Joseph, E. Yizengaw, M. M. Moldwin and C. M. Ngwira Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics 2024-05-15 Source
Ionospheric response to the M- and X-class solar flares of 28 October 2021 over the African sector Habarulema J. B., M. Tshisaphungo, Z. T. Katamzi-Jospeh, T. M. Matamba and R. Nndanganeni Space Weather 2024-05-15 Source
A storm-time global electron density reconstruction model in three-dimensions based on artificial neural networks Habarulema J. B, D. Okoh, D. Buresova, B. Rabiu, D. Scipion, I. Haggstrom, P. J. Erickson and M. Milla Advances in Space Research 2024-05-15 Source