Joburg STADAN recorded the telemetry data of the Syncom 1 launch, unscheduled by NASA. Soon after the recording was made, all transmissions from Syncom 1 ceased abruptly and the data recorded by Hartebeesthoek were the only available of that critical period when the apogee rocket is fired to place the satellite into a geostationary orbit. The unscheduled recording enabled NASA to rapidly and with certainty determine the cause of the failure and allowed Syncom 2 to launch on schedule.
Joburg STADAN recorded the telemetry data of the Syncom 1 launch, unscheduled by NASA. Soon after the recording was made, all transmissions from Syncom 1 ceased abruptly and the data recorded by Hartebeesthoek were the only available of that critical period when the apogee rocket is fired to place the satellite into a geostationary orbit. The unscheduled recording enabled NASA to rapidly and with certainty determine the cause of the failure and allowed Syncom 2 to launch on schedule.